75gr. A-max bullets?


Mar 3, 2004
wa. state
what is the intended purpose for these bullets? I have a22-243 with a 28in. 1:8 barrel and these sound like the way to go. i may possibly use for antelope and long range coyote. has any one had any experience with these bullets?
The intended use for these bullets are for long range highpower matches shot with a target grade AR-15. I shoot NRA service rifle matches and see many other cometitors using them at 600yds with good results. They are too long for accurate magazine length loads in an AR. They tend to be highly expolosive on animals. I tried them on rabbits and the results were impressive.Hope this helps.
Gene Cole III
The 75gr A-Max will stabilize in an 8" or 9" twist. It will work well in the .223, 22-250 or 22-243.

I shoot them in my 22-243AI @ 3,668 ft/sec. They are amazingly accurate and VERY deadly on fat PA groundhogs at any range.

I have made kills out to 850yds this season. Death was ALWAYS instantaneous. The bullet did occasionally penetrate completely.

As Varmint Hunter has stated they will stabilize in a 1-9" twist. I get sub moa groups out of my factory Savage 10FP in 223 out to 600yds with them and my barrel is a 1-9" twist.
Awsome! That will be my next try. I am using 69 grain SMKs right now and they shoot well, but sounds like the A-max may be more explosive as well as have a higher bc.
they work well... shot them last year in a 22-284.... they shoot well out of my 700 pss .223 ... will be using them in the new .22 dasher as well... good choice
Re 75 A max

I have tried the 75 A max in a number of .223's (bolt and AR) and never had trouble stabilizing in 8 or 9 twist. Some of the best long range groups I have shot have been with the 75 A max. Not all of my AR's like them, but the ones that do...REALLY shoot them well. I know they are not designed to be loaded magazine length but I did try them in my DPMS super bull at magazine length and was getting 3/4" 300 yd groups without much problem. But..they really are to long for magazine length loading and I was asking for trouble re pushing a bullet back into the case and raising hell with pressures....it didn't happen, but it's not good practice. But I was in one of those curious moods to try it.

My rifle is built on a rem788 so I can't feed from the magazine anyway. Any of you ever tried them in a 22-250? Wondering if I should go to my IMR4350 I use for the 69 grain bullets or 4831 (I have 8lb thing of hodgdon).
AS Fred Moore of SHARP SHOOTERS SAVAGE said, the 75 gr A-Max was designed as a long range competetion bullet to shoot through bowling balls at 1000 yds in the 22-243 AI.

I have only shot through a bowling ball at 850 yds, and as he said, it pokes right through without moving the ball. But blows up live game at any distance.

My best today is 1151yds witnessed by myself and two other Varmint Hunter Club members in ND. We used lazer range finder with quad and person as backstop for ranging.

I use 1-8 twist but the 1-9 works good too. In a 1-12 twist they tumble at 75 yds.

Best cal. I have ever used.........I sight in at 400 yds for zero and the drop at 1000 yds with max load is 16". So I just aim and shoot for the most part until scoping out distant target on 20 power or more, then I just hold over.

If you dog hunt you know the one dog over and two dogs high routine! well with the 22-243 AI just hold up or down and you hit out to 600-700 yds before the wind becomes a problem. The 22-250 need 2-4 dogs windage.
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