7.62 Vs .308

Packrat 6

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
This actually started over on another thread, but am going to throw in my comments on a new thread rather than change the calibers (.223 vs 5.56) involved with the old thread

the differences between the .223 and 5.56 are well known, and yet unknown by a few of us.
I've also heard the same crap about the 7.62x51 verses the commercial .308. One is spec's at a higher chamber pressure. How much escapes me, but it's probably around ten percent. The throat is a little different as well. Does this mean your Savage won't be able to shoot 7.62x51? NO!

I have to agree with the above statement as I've been using 7.62 x 51 M-80 military for years on Hogs down Texas way. I've used them in Remington's, Savage's, Winchester's and of course in my Springfield Armory weapons, a Navy M-1 CMP .308 (Which is actually a 7.62) and my M1A's. I've never had a problem once I followed the advice below.

Because of a discussion I had with a Army E-8 competitive shooter and armorer, I use a .308 head space Gauge to check every round before using. Normally I order 500 Rds at a time of Lake City in loose, bulk packs, but out of the last batch, 4 rounds locked up in the head space gauge and were discarded. (Deactivated) Two were too long and one actually had a slash in the casing that would have given me some problems if fired. Don't know why the last one wouldn't come out of the gauge, just deactivated it. To check them usually takes about and hour or so, while watching TV or reading LRH forums.

The way it was explained to me, was that military weapons chambers have a little more slop machined in than the .308's so that if the military weapon is being fired fully auto, it won't jam on a round that is slightly out of spec. or dirty or dusty. How true this is, I don't know, but do know that since I started using the head space gauge have never had a problem or jam using the 7.62 military spec rounds in any MODERN .308 firearm.

I've been asked numerous time, including by relatives why I use these for hogs so here goes:

Economics: These rounds cost me between .65 and .72 cents per round when purchased in 500 Round loose bulk. AND I get about .25 to .35 cents in trade with re-loaders per brass casing because the Lake City brass can be reloaded a number times. I usually trade off about a 100 casings for 20 rounds of custom reloads for my Springfield SM. And I am ONLY shooting Hogs, which are a pest, with them. I imagine David Jones (In the Ear, right!...Hog forum) Ammunition bill for last year ran into the Hundreds of dollars. I don't get to shoot as much but it still adds up. Several years ago I shot over 80 rounds on one trip! Not only that, I'm a cheap SOB!...:D

Shooting ranges: We very seldom are shooting over 50 - 75 yards in the brush and a lot of times, even closer, where we are clearing out hogs. HOWEVER, if I have to go into the brush after a wounded hog, I do switch magazines to 168 grain Hog Hammers or something equivalent and use a Semi-automatic rifle, because if they do attack, (Infrequent) there is not time to cycle a bolt or even sometimes aim. I have shot 7.62 M-80 up to 400 yards on a range, and they work fine, but there are more accurate rounds out there if trying to fine tune a zero, etc. Usually good to about 2.5 -3 MOA at 400 yard, depending on a lot of other things.

If meat hunting, for the little hogs, the 149 Gr solid projectile doesn't damage the meat as much. I usually go for head shots on piglets, unless my brother is making head cheese, which he and his wife make. Hollow or soft points will absolutely ruin a lot of meat on a 6-8 lb piglet, which are optimum for eating.

So far, in the 8 years I've been using them, haven't found any damage to the rifles, and I have them gone through by a gunsmith at least every several years to check wear on everything, including rifling.

I'm no expert, just know what works for me.

Anyway, just my opinion. contrary opinions can post their own thread....LOL

BTW, since I'm here, I now have Packrat T shirts available for an an outrageous price!

PAckrat tee shirts.jpg

The Shown example is a Bright White/Bright White camouflage pattern with the joint edges hand blended so as to be invisible.




Oh Oh! forgot I'm not supposed to advertise without being a sponsor...oooppppsss::D
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