6.8 western reamer for longer bullet depth


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
Hull IA
I have a 6.8 western barrel installed on my macs custom action and would like a little more bullet seating depth what is the best way to go about this? And does anyone make a reamer for this on a 6.8 western cartridge?
Is a throat reamer all I need to do this,
and would I need a lathe or could I get away with a drill
Usually done on the lathe when performed as part of the chambering process, as the barrel is already indicated/setup. If done after the chamber is cut, it is done by hand- NEVER with a power tool for several reasons.

No offense meant- but this is a very precise and delicate operation. The tooling needed can be rented or purchased and done by those with a full understanding of the process. Done incorrectly- which is VERY easy to do- you'll be scrapping the barrel or taking it to a smith to have the barrel pulled and the chamber re-cut and shoulder set back. Strongly consider taking this to a riflesmith to have it done correctly- have a dummy round loaded to your desired OAL, and know how much jump you want so he knows how much to lengthen the freebore.
I've done some final headspace work for a 35 wheelan with a drill and I see why you would want to do it by hade to get the exact clearance...what I'm trying to do is extend from a max of 2.85 to 2.95 my magazine fits up to 3.00
Need more room for powder with a longer heavy higher bc bullets
Don't know much about this new cartridge, but that's surprising since it was specifically designed for longer, high BC bullets by shortening the neck of the .270 WSM. Far as I know (and I'm probably wrong), that's really the difference between the two.

You can rent a throating reamer and T-handle from 4D- just keep in mind that you're using razor-sharp HSS to cut rifling that's only a few thousandths thick. It'll go like a hot knife through butter...easy to overshoot without a reamer stop.
Ya I thought the same thing. I'm sure they cut the barrel for Saami specs but I've got a dummy round to 2.95 and I might make or use a bushing to control my depth or mark the tool and check every revolution to be safe. Thank you for the guidance I appreciate it.