6.5x47L brass


Dec 4, 2014
Why is this brass more expensive than .260 lapua brass or any other short action brass lapua sells? I'm doing up a 6x47L looking for some used brass if possible
Why is this brass more expensive than .260 lapua brass or any other short action brass lapua sells? I'm doing up a 6x47L looking for some used brass if possible

Two theories:

1) The .260 uses the same parent case as the .243 and the .308. They make a ton of these cases with minor variation. Economies of scale and all that. 6.5x47 is a case onto it's own; smaller lots.

2) Lapua is the only game in town for 6.5x47L brass.

I'd lean towards #1.

I suspect nosulc is right, the 260 case is probably made during the same run as the 308 and 243 cases. They likely make a gazillion of the base stock brass then divide it up between them, economy of scale. I suspect they make a lot more of them than the 6.5x47 also, there are a bunch of 243/260/308's out there and the 6.5x47 isn't chambered in any factory rifles, it's only in custom rifles which is a very small market.

I wouldn't look to find any used 6.5x47 brass, I doubt we'll ever see it in any significant numbers.
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