6.5 WSM dies


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2010
Hayden, ID
Hello all-

I am trying to find a set of dies that work for reloading the 6.5/270WSM. I have read that I need to simply find a 270WSM bushing die and buy the correct diameter bushing after taking the aproperate measurements. My question is will the 270WSM bullet seating die work like it is for the 6.5 or will I have to have something made? or do I have to but the redding comp. bushing neck sizer 3 die set that has the sleave in the bullet seater?


I just happened to be looking on Sinclars website for some and they actually had two sets of the Redding 6.5/300WSM dies. I got one, so there might be one left if you're lucky.
Yes, I talked to Redding before I ordered them. They are setup correctly of seating the 6.5. If you have any questions about it just call them up (with the part#), they were very helpful.
When we ordered the reamer to get the chambers cut Lee already had the dies in stock.Loaded about 7 lbs of powder so far everything works great

How you like the Lee pacesetter dies for the 6.5-300wsm? Have you done measurements for neck & bullet run-out?

I have played with the Collet dies but nothing else.
I honestly don't know if they are pacesetter or not.The resizing die is marked Lee 6.5wsm-j3 and the seating die is Lee 6.5 wsm-14.My rifle is a Ruger No 1 with a Ron Smith gain twist barrel 1:7.5 inch twist.I mainly use it for hunting mule deer in the coulies.It has a 20 minute rail and rings by Richard Near,so it is capable of 1000 yards.I went to a gong shoot and managed put 10 on an 18 inch gong with Berger 140's.Good luck ....jack
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