I prefer to only use one gauge to check head space and it is a go gauge.
if you are checking for excessive head space take the go gauge and using a touch of grease to stick it to the bolt face use a .006 thousandth brass shim (Trimmed to fit in the bolt face) Place the go gauge on the bolt with the ejector removed (The extractor is fine and makes removal of the go gauge easier) if the bolt closes with the .006 shim between the go gauge and the bolt face the chamber is marginal at most and should be replaced
or set back and re chambered. if the go gauge doesn't allow the bolt to close then you replace the shim with thinner shims until it closes and then you exactly what condition your chamber is and what the actual head space is.
The real purpose of the no go/field gauge is to tell you when a firearm
is unsafe or may not fire when needed.
You should be able to find a go gauge and not have to worry about a no go gauge that would seldom be used if at all.
PS: I don't recommend using tape to shim go gauges because you don't know exactly what thickness it is and the fact that it will compress rules out any accurate measurements. most go gauges run somewhere around $35.00 and is money well spent.
Just my opinion