6.5 ceeedmoor alpha brass/barnes 127 lrx


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2016
Wanting to see if anybody is running the lrx bullets with h4350? Not a whole lot of data and want to get a better starting point before i start....also has anybody used the alphamunitions brass? Wantinf to see how stout it is i wpuld like to push the 127 lrx as fast as i can out of a 24" barrel
I am interested to see your results. I was wanting to shoot the 127 LRX out of my 6.5X47, but have heard mixed reviews on it's performance on game. I am now considering maybe going to the 130 Accu Bond or just sticking with the 130 Berger. Was wanting a tougher bullet for this gun as it will be used out of tree stands. I am not familiar with the brass you asked about. Why not use the new Lapua Creed brass? My X47 Lapua brass is awesome! With my Rbros X47 I can drive the 130 Berger to 3000 fps. Not expecting this carry rifle to get to those speeds. I would hope your Creed would get you close to 3000 with the Lrx. Although it may have a lot more Bearing surface than the Berger.
I done see the need to switch over to sr primers but its just me....all the tests i have seen alpha is neck and neck with lapua but made hear in the states im looking to push them as fast as i can so to them being a solid projectile
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