40mm vs 50 mm Objectives


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2010
Spring, TX
Seen a lot of posts asking the difference on the two, so I figured I would throw my .02 in and share my recent experience.

I've shot 50mm bells exclusively up to recently, when I put a Leupold 4-12x40 on my 6mm Remington.

I can honestly say that I have bought my first and last 40 mm objective scope. It can not compare to my 50mm's in low light. I was sitting there during "magic hour" last night thinking, "why did I buy this?"

So for the next post that askes the difference, and what to buy, my heart felt opinion is to buy the bigger bell. Carry the extra few ounces to make the shot with confidence.
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texan79;552284 So for the next post that askes the difference said:
I'm of the opposite opinion. My state laws don't allow hunting between sunset and sunrise and there is plenty of light for a 40mm scope for all legal hunting time. . Carry a 2-3 lb scope if you want. My favorite scope for long range is the Leupold Mk 4 16x40. It's only 22oz.

Considering that angular accuracy does not increase with distance I don't see any point in having more magnification for shooting at longer distances. More magnification only reduces the field of view making acquisition time longer. A heavier scope puts more forces on the scope mounts during recoil.

Fortunately scope manufacturers make a wide assortment to match what different people want.
OK, you lost me.
Did you mean you put a 4-12x40 on your 6mm?

Not sure of the model, but quality has a lot to do with brightness.
Try a Zeiss Conquest or a Minox.
That's why my last purchase for a heavy LR rig was 56MM.

I think the rules in my state are 30 min ahead of sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset. Plus it depends whether one is at the top of the mountain or in the canyon.:)
50mm for me on everything, to me I can find things quicker in the more open bell, 40mm look like Iam looking town a paper towel roll, to each their own but my leupolds and zeiss are 50mm, oh yeah the new nightforce I ordered is to
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