4.5-14x 50 or 4.5-14x 50 LR


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
Murfreesboro, TN
I have a 300 Ultra Mag and just placed the order for a 4.5 - 14 x 50 in a VX with M1 elevation and windage turrets. My shots are gonna to be well within 500 yards 95% of the time. I like having the ability to reach out and touch 1000 yards whenever I have a chance, which is probably less than 5% of the time.

Should I have ponied up the extra $ on a 4.5-14 x 50 LR instead? Is there that big of a difference?
I am new here and no great expert. However IMHO a scope is like a fishing boat......if 95% is in shore fishing you sure don't need an offshore boat.
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