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For Sale 357 Mag Handloader Special - 500 pieces of new primed 357 Mag brass (Starline Made) + 500 new 158gr JHP bullets, $125 + Free Shipping


Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2023
Due to popular request from folks that missed out or just wanted even more, we're making our most popular bundle available again:

500 New pieces of primed 357 Mag brass (made by Starline, Norma HS)

500 New MFS 38 cal 158gr JHP bullets

We are all out of cans so we dropped the price on this one to $125 + free shipping.

We still have a few other really great priced bundles in stock here

Don't miss the best price going on new 30 cal 220gr Subs @ 19.9 cpp: https://ravenrocksprecision.com/30-...ith-cannelure-300-blackout-subsonic-updating/

Our 9mm 94gr MIL/LE Frangible bullets are still $47 / 1,000. These are extremely popular, getting lots of 5 star reviews and are the best priced new 9mm bullet on the internet:

"This is my second order of 2k. Loaded up about 2k and have shot around 500 rds. A lite recoiling very fun bullet to use. Relatively immune to rough handling. Easily to load on a progressive press. Leaves very little bore fouling (unlike other frangible bullets I've used). Will be buying more as needed."

"I have ordered 14,000 of these so far. Need I say more? For those of you using bullet feeders they work just great."


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