338 RUM with 265 ttsx

I only have data for IMR 7828. Minimum load is 81.0 grans. Max load is 87.0 grains. If you think the BC is good on this bullet, you should see the new Berger. That monster has a .818 bc That baby flies like a bird and hits like a hammer. gun)
As soon as I get home from work, I will get you the info. Barnes "recommends" using factory COAL when reloading their bullets. In all of my rifles that I shoot barnes in, I use factory COAL and have had wonderful accuracy.
ill be loading some of these up for my edge and plan on starting at about 87 gr. of H4831. i have only shot around 12 of these in my rifle and have not got the BC right on but i have come up with around 0.7 G1. Hope this helps
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