338 Lapua Improved vs. 338 Lapua


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2005
Just wondering if any of you all have experience with an improved 338 Lapua. What kind of velocity increases are you getting over a conventional 338 Lapua? Would you recommend the improved version over the regular? I'm trying to decide whether it's worth the extra hassle or not. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, if you could let me know what your improved version is called, that would help too.
Just wondering if any of you all have experience with an improved 338 Lapua. What kind of velocity increases are you getting over a conventional 338 Lapua? Would you recommend the improved version over the regular? I'm trying to decide whether it's worth the extra hassle or not. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, if you could let me know what your improved version is called, that would help too.

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I played around with the 30/338 lapua and the 30/338 Lapua improved. Unless you go with long barrels (ie >30"), I don't think it would be worth it. At least it wasn't in the 30 caliber variation of the 338 Lapua case.

To be totally honest, I was so disappointed in the improved version in a 32" Kreiger, I went to the expense to have it chambered in 30/378 two weeks ago. Had I listed to Alan Hall initially, I could have saved a load of dough on chamberings, cases, dies and time. He told me years ago to "just get the 30/378 and be done with it".

So, my answer is to stick with the 338 lapua standard if you are going to shoot the lighter 338 bullets. If you are going to use the heavier ones (ie > 250gr), I would go with the 338/378 case. I have done this and am very satisfied with having one for the larger pills (338/378) and one for the smaller pills (338 Lapua).

FWIW, the 338 EDGE may be a legitimate comprimise between the two if you can only have one.

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