Well-Known Member
bout a half a mile!
So the real question would be, how significant would 1 unit BFD be if you were in the middle of BFE?
AJ, I love those big 338's off the improved chey-tac case but I can't carry a 20 pound rifle up the mountain. I been thinking about one of those pack goats to use as a gunbearer but then I start worrying about the bear in the way I spelled it. Bunch of grizzlies in a lot of my areas that love goat and I would be stuck with a mean griz eating the goat that has my rifle.
So I just stick to my 338-378's and 338-416 improved which fall exactly half way between the 338-300 ultramag and the 338 allen and 11 pounds ready to hunt. So if it is just BFD between the edge and 338-378 then I figure it is just bfd between the 338-378 and the 338 allen.
You have a great rifle! I think the rest of us are just envious. What length barrel does your 338 allen have on it. I would love to have one for cross canyon hunting off the 4 wheeler. Thanks for the reply.