300 ultra

gary l

New Member
May 20, 2005
i am new to cal. gun smith took my weathby.action bolted on doug. prem barr. swar. 4-12 180 h/bt. 87 gr. 7828 @ 3160 ft. i have been to the range twice 3" high @ 1ooyd. less than 1"groups im very happy with performance. im looking for info at long ranges bullit drop etc. thanks! gary/mesa,az.
Glad to see you or anyone for that matter answer a mans question plan and simple. I've been really concerned here lately while reading alot of forums at how so many people have become rude and just plan hateful in there answers to people and especially "newbies". It is nice to see that there are still some respectable members here!
There are plenty of people here that will help you.They sure have helped me from time to time.Newbies are the future of our sport and am glad I could help,good luck
and good shooting. If I can be of futher assistance please let me know.
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