I just recently purchased a headspace gauge bushing from Hornady. I notice that it's not the right one or this is what I think. The gauge that i recieved has B .350 on it and when you look at their website it has this number for the 300 rum but on the back of the pack that it came in, has this same chart and does not mention 300 RUM under B location on the chart. What the back of the package says is that I need product # E .420 . I called and talked to a tech. @ Hornady but he couldn't seem to understand what I was trying to say. I finally asked him to just go and pull the package from inventory and look for himself on the back of it . He told me he was know were near the packaged products. So my question is this what gauge # are you using for your 300 RUM . If you use the one from hornady.