30 Nosler


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
The parts are showing up for my 30 Nosler build. Took advantage of the black Friday sales from Christenson arms on barrel and stockystocks for my stock. I'm going with a 24" barrel and currently have 210 berger and 215 bergers. For powders I have RL 26, Retumbo, and H1000. What loads are you guys running and what speeds are you seeing?
I'm running 79.5gr RE26 under a 181 Hammer bullet for less than .5moa at 400 yds. Velocity is a modest 3,100 ft/sec but that should help preserve my brass which is fairly hard to find.
I see hornady is listing “new” 30 nosler brass on their website. Hopefully that will make it easier to find brass once they start cranking it out
If your going with the 210-215's H1000 has been my go to in the 30 Nosler. Your loads are gonna depend on your reamer.
Us one that has the correct freebore.
Your probably gonna have to keep it throttled back a bit or your primer pockets on the Nosler and Hornady will be junk in 2 or 3 firings.
I'm waiting on better brass.
The new IMR 8133 would be worth trying I dont have a 30 Nosler currently but I do have some IMR 8133 sitting on my shelf waiting to try when theres better brass available.
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