30-378 WBY and H50BMG Powder


Jul 14, 2009
Anyone using this combination? I have been testing some RL22, and getting ready to test some H1000. However, I was recently in a store and saw a can of this and decided to grab it. I am using Barnes TTSX in 180 gr. I loaded some of these last night, and I didn't really like the amount of compression needed to get the bullet seated properly. I am shooting a C.O.A.L of 3.610" (approx.....I measure to the ogive).

I am thinking about just pulling the bullets and trading the powder to one of my buddies.

Any opinions/suggestions?
I have found 2 powders that work well in my 30-378. The first is H4831SC and 180 grain partition is extremely accurate. If you like a bigger pill try Retumbo and a 200 accubond mine shoots this combo around .5. I did try H50BMG but I could not get anything under 1 inch still not bad but I wanted better. When I did try H50BMG I was just starting out handloading and did not really know at the time how to work up a load. I still have a couple of pounds left but with retumbo and H4832SC being really accurate and extreme powder I see no need.

Hope this helps.
Anyone using this combination? I have been testing some RL22, and getting ready to test some H1000. However, I was recently in a store and saw a can of this and decided to grab it. I am using Barnes TTSX in 180 gr. I loaded some of these last night, and I didn't really like the amount of compression needed to get the bullet seated properly. I am shooting a C.O.A.L of 3.610" (approx.....I measure to the ogive).

I am thinking about just pulling the bullets and trading the powder to one of my buddies.

Any opinions/suggestions?

H 869 and H 50BMG are the powders that I like with the 200+grain bullets.

I have had very good luck with both and accuracy is outstanding. The most accurate load
in my 30/378 is 118 grains of H 50BMG behind a 200gr Partition (5 shots @ 100yards less
than 1/10Th of an inch .093 ).

My fastest and still accurate is 122 gr H50BMG with the 200 gr accubond. But be careful
this is a max load so work up.

I don't shoot 180gr bullets in the 30/378 because I have a 300 RUM that does the 180s
well and with the case capacity of the 378 case you can really move the bigger bullets.

J E Custom,
Are you using a custom barrel? Thats pretty impressive. I'm at .5 with a stock barrel? Also how does H50BMG perform in the cold?

Just curious?

Thx Laker
J E Custom,
Are you using a custom barrel? Thats pretty impressive. I'm at .5 with a stock barrel? Also how does H50BMG perform in the cold?

Just curious?

Thx Laker

Yes : the barrel in the 30/378 is a 27.3" #7 taper Shilen select match 1 in 10 twist
8 groove.

Also the H 50BMG works fine at our coldest temperatures (20 o + ) I don't know how it
will work below that.

PS: .5 with a stock barrel is very impressive also.

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