3 weeks at Trinidad State, gunsmithing classes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2005
I spent most of June taking classes related to blueprinting and barreling. I had a great time, met some really nice people, and managed to put together 6 rifles.

I went fishing in the mountains, shot some pd's, and shot at the NRA Whittington center.

The instructers and staff at the school were very helpful and made everyone feel welcome.

I built a 260 rem on a Savage action fitted Rem style, for my brother, and a fully blueprinted 700 in 280 rem. He scoped the 260 and said the 2nd 3rd and fourth bullets out of the barrel went under .5moa. This was factory ammo out of the Lilja 3 groove #5 barrel. That was the extent of his accuracy testing thus far, he had to "see" before he started proper barrel break-in. He was pleased and so was I. He has not scoped the 280 yet.

I built a blocked 243AI with a 30" Broughton 1.250" 8t 5c,
a 280AI on a Lilja #5 with Holland brake, a fully blueprinted 300WM #6 Lilja, and a 243AI with a flutted Lilja #5. I have only shot the flutted 243AI with fireforming loads but it is showing promise printing consistent .5" @ 100 groups.

Rings and bases are on the way for the other guns and I hope to shoot them soon.

If your thinking of taking the NRA summer classes, Their are a few things you should know. (like bring your own reamers) So if you have any questions ask.
Ol'Mike, Soon, I'm working on a couple of things right now but by next summer I will have a shop up and running. I have a few more things to learn before I get started. I feel I have very good control of the machining end of building rifles, and stock fitting. I need to get aquainted with metal coating processes.
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