280 Remington load for mule deer hunt


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2009
I recently bought a Browning A bolt synthetic stalker(22" barrel) in 280 and am considering carrying it this fall for a Wyoming mule deer hunt. The rifle is shooting 1/2 to 1" with several powders and the 140gr Ballistic tip bullet, but not at the velocity I hoped for. All my loads so far have fallen between 2710 and 2875fps. I had hoped to get 2900-3000 with this bullet. I suspect that the loading books are cautious with their data for the 280 since it was introduced in the pump/auto rifles first, and I know an extra 2" of barrel would help. Anyone have a pet load I could work up to that would add a few fps?
You are right! The 2 extra inches of barrel would make all of the difference in the world. However, If I were in your situation I would find a good gunsmith local to you and have them re-chamber this rifle to a 280 AI. The 280 AI is far superior to the original 280 Rem and I think would allow you to achieve the velocities you are after. The nice thing about this option is that you can use any ammo that you have and once it is fired the cases are then formed to the new chambering.
My carry-rifle is a 280rem. Although I have not updated my write-up, the rifle's pet load these days is 168VLD over 56.2grains H4831SC and Winchester primer. I'm getting 2850fps out of my 24" barrel with an ES of 12. This load carries enough energy to take deer at 1k.

With a 22" barrel, this same load would probably go 2750 to 2800.

In the alternative, if you like the ballistic tips, I would suggest going with the 150grain bullets. They give you a little better BC, you can push them pretty fast and they carry more energy downrange than the 140grainers.

You're right that reloading manuals are a bit scared of pushing the top end (lawyers!). Check here for load data: 284_1

Here's the write-up on my 280....

Will the 280AI deliver the extra speed from this short of barrel? I have an excellent gunsmith a mile away who could open up the chamber. If the gun wasn't accurate I would put a 24" fluted barrel in 280AI on it right away, but I have a hard time disassembling a 1/2" gun.

I did more experimenting with the 280 this evening. I still didn't find the speed I wanted, and none of my loads showed any pressure at all. Here are my results so far for the hotter loads with each powder. All are averages for 4 shot groups. Some loads I worked up to are over max depending on the reloading manual used. All shot between .5 and 1" except one. The air temp was between 85 and 90 the whole time I was shooting.

140gr Ballistic tip

53gr H4350 2810
53.5gr H4350 2832
54gr H4350 2863 (accuracy poor)
57gr H4831SC 2780
58.5gr H4831 2825
59gr H4831 2875
59.5gr H4831 2875
55.1gr IMR 4831
57gr RL 19

150gr Scirocco

51.5gr H4350 2748

The 150gr Scirocco had only 13fps deviation for 4 shots. If I don't find anything better I may have a turret made for one of my Leupolds and use this. Has anyone tried this bullet on muleys at extended range?

I have used the Varmint Hunter reticles for several years with good success by keeping my velocities all close to 3000fps and BC near .500 on all my rifles. I like that because I can use the same hold and windage with any of my rifles out to 500.
Just for some S&Gs here's some data from the circa 1966 Speer manual #7. The data may not be reliable as the manual price was only $2.95.:D But back then ya usually got a little more than ya paid for.

Just for comparison, ok? (most folks think the books limit the loads instead of the rifle) But back when men were steel and ships were wood this is what we worked with.:)

.280 Remington (ALSO 7mm/06-7mmx64mm
Rifle: Remington Model 725 Cases: Remington
Primers CCI-200 Barrel: 24" Twist: 1-9 1/4

"Heavy loads should be avoided in loading for the Model 740, 742 and 760, consequently loads preceded by (1) should be considered absolute maximum for these rifles."

130 Spitzer
4831 - 62gr - 3180 FPS
4350 - 58gr - 3235 FPS

145 Spitzer
4831 - 59gr - 3022 FPS
4350 - 55gr - 3048 FPS

160 Spitzer
4831 - 58gr - 2888 FPS
4350 - 54gr - 2902 FPS

Subtract maybe 20 FPS/inch of barrel. Ought to be close.

Not much of a bullet selection back then. But the job still got done.:)

I'd be working on that Scirroco load for sure.
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Was that for Hodgen or IMR or another brand 4350 or 4831?

I will be gone for the weekend, but I will be working on it again next week.

For those who have shot the 150 Sciroccco, is the listed ballistic coefficient accurate? When I use ballistics programs on the Nosler accubond in .284 I subtract .05 from the advertised BC to get accurate results.
Was that for Hodgen or IMR or another brand 4350 or 4831?

4831 became a canister powder in 1973. The manual was published in 1966. This leads me to think that it was H-4831???? When IMR 4831 arrived on the scene loads for both H & IMR were listed together.

I would venture to guess that at that time IMR-4350 was the only 4350 on the market?

Here's a bit of history:

Note the price.:D

Here's where the stuff was made.:rolleyes:

I have no idea of its age. It started life in Idaho, moved to PA for a while, spent 7 years in Louisiana and the last 23 in Idaho.....
After more testing I have decided to sell this rifle and bought another to (hopefully) use on the upcoming hunt. I never found a load faster than 2750 with the 150gr bullets, or 2850 with the 140's that I was happy with. Any faster and accuracy or deviation between shots suffered. Nothing against the 280, I think a 24" barrel would make a huge difference. The 7mm Rem mag I had was loaded down to advertised 280 velocities and served well until I shot the barrel out.

I just got another A-bolt in 270WSM off gunbroker that I will have by the middle of next week to start testing loads for. If that fails I have a proven 270 win or 264 win mag that I can take, they are just a little heavy for mountain hunting.

Thanks for all the replys
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