280 AI Reaming and turning back


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
Just got a Steyr ProHunter in 280 rem. Thing is a tack driver but silly me has no use for a standard 280, so I am looking to have it reamed and turned back to nobler SAAMI spec 280. Hoping someone here has a smith that has played with or wants to play with this beautiful hammer forged animal. It is a tack driver and i should leave it alone but that would be way too boring, so I am counting on referrals to find a reliable smith here.
My last gun (not a steer) got done by Mickey Coleman, may he rest in peace).

Just got a Steyr ProHunter in 280 rem. Thing is a tack driver but silly me has no use for a standard 280, so I am looking to have it reamed and turned back to nobler SAAMI spec 280. Hoping someone here has a smith that has played with or wants to play with this beautiful hammer forged animal. It is a tack driver and i should leave it alone but that would be way too boring, so I am counting on referrals to find a reliable smith here.
My last gun (not a steer) got done by Mickey Coleman, may he rest in peace).


The 280 Remington is the same as the 280 Express and they use the same SAMME head space gauge. The only one that is different that is Also a SAMME spec. is the 280 AI.

The 280 AI was until recently not a SAMME spec (It was a wildcat) until Nosler registered is for SAMME approval.

There are lots of post on the difference in the old wild cat and the new 280 AI that make for some interesting reading if you do a search.

http://www.saami.org/PubResources/CC_Drawings/C and C Dwgs - TOC - Rifle.pdf

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