280 AI muzzle break


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2019
I'm planning on buying a PreFit 280AI CBI. I'd like the 24" sporter contour for weight. Anybody have a thought on a 9/16-24 thread for this barrel? It's 0.593"

Secondly, is the sporter good? other option is heavy sporter at 0.705" muzzle. It's 6.5 Oz heavier, thus the desire for lighter barrel.

Any Input is much appreciated!
Its not enough for 9/16x24 threads but it is ok for 1/2x28 threads

Maybe I'm not understanding how that works. I assumed the 1/2x28 thread would remove more material from the barrel than the 9/16x24, essentially 1/16 more material or 1/32 from the perimeter. Is that the case? Does that leave enough meat on the barrel for function and safety?

I'm under the impression that your comment was based on the shoulder needed for installation, but maybe not. My experience is almost zero here.

Thank you!
Maybe I'm not understanding how that works. I assumed the 1/2x28 thread would remove more material from the barrel than the 9/16x24, essentially 1/16 more material or 1/32 from the perimeter. Is that the case? Does that leave enough meat on the barrel for function and safety?

I'm under the impression that your comment was based on the shoulder needed for installation, but maybe not. My experience is almost zero here.

Thank you!

Yes you are reading it correctly, if you have the barrel threaded 9/16x24 the shoulder for the brake will be very thin, If you have 1/2x28 threads you will have enough shoulder for the brake. ive done 1/2x28 threads on 30cal bore and while some say its unsafe or can effect accuracy I have not seen this myself.
I have 1/2x28 threads on my .284 and my Barrel is around 0.700" at the muzzle. I don't see any negative affects with my rifle. I know guys with 1/2x28 threads on .30cals and they shoot fine.
Unless your building a rifle that you will carry long distances all day I would build the heavier barrel. They do tend to shoot more accurately and with the added weight recoil will be less and maybe then you won't need a brake. I hate brakes on hunting rifles. You absolutely need to have hearing protection on when you fire it. I've built 6 280ai in the last yr and nobody shot them and asked for a brake. Good choice on the 280ai it's a very nice shooting round and very capable game killer.
You will like it either way you go. Everyone's been correct about the 1/2x28. Just remember brakes will absolutely damage your hearing a Lot more than Not having one.
Good luck Shep
I'm planning on buying a PreFit 280AI CBI. I'd like the 24" sporter contour for weight. Anybody have a thought on a 9/16-24 thread for this barrel? It's 0.593"

Secondly, is the sporter good? other option is heavy sporter at 0.705" muzzle. It's 6.5 Oz heavier, thus the desire for lighter barrel.

Any Input is much appreciated!
Look at the MBM (Muzzle Breaks & More) web sight I found that his videos sealed the deal for me. I purchased his 3 port Beast tunable(very important) muzzle brake.for my 6.5 Creedmoor rifle. they will manufacture, or have in stock just about muzzle brake that you will ever need. OBTW timing a muzzle brake by shimming can be a real P.I.A. On and off, crush washer and shim. Tuneable brakes are the way to go.
Please give them a call and discuss what T.P.I. is correct for your barrel' diameter, and caliber. They will help you to make an informed decision,after all he his a manufacturer.
You will love your CBI barrel. I have a 26" heavy sporter in 280ai and it's very accurate. It cleans up with 3 or 4 patches. Recoil is very manageable without a brake shooting 160gr AB and RL26. Please keep us updated on how it does for you even though I'm pretty sure I already know.
Picked up a Area419 hellfire self timing brake and shot it on my 280 AI for the first time yesterday. I'm not recoil sensitive and it was very manageable before but it's nice to see my impacts especially during load development. With it on recoil is less than my 6.5 Creed. I'll take it off when I hunt with it.

I have a shorty (16.5") HB .308 that I picked up an extra collar for so I can swap it back and forth.
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