Well-Known Member
Unless you run one hot and just keep shooting it and do so repeatedly the barrel life on the 280 AI will be at least 2,000rds and probably more.With all the reading I've done and the advice im receiving there are more checks in the 280 ai column.
I really don't want a 30 inch barrel, plus it seems easier to get a 280 ai. I located a dealer in pa, and it will take a year to get. No big deal I can wait.
What's barrel life like on the 280 ai. Unless it's gunshot , I don't think I feel safe buying a used rifle. But once I place my order I can't go back.
The 280 is more versatile and more practical, it's a better choice for me. I can't see myself hunting with a 30 inch barrel , and I don't want to.
Don't be afraid to buy used, just go through a dealer who has a gunsmith that can inspect the chamber and have one on your end to confirm it.
When I buy used that's how I always do it and have yet to have a problem. I also send the payment to the FFL holder with instructions to only turn it over after the weapon has been delivered, inspected and is what it's represented to be.
I've bought 7 rifles now from LRH members and every one of them has proven to be a good deal.