26-06 Browning what could I turn it into?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
My friend is looking to sell his 25-06 he says it isn'doesn't shoot very good it's a Browning i think, what could I turn it into?
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I'd vote to keep it the same 25-06 but with a 7.25 twist to try the new blackjack 131 grain bullets.
2nd choice would be 280AI just for the availability of brass and factory ammo coming about.
Might as well use the case capacity offered by a long action.
I once owned a browning 25-06 from the 80's. Super smooth action and great deer blind or ranch truck rifle with that short skinny barrel. Just wasn't good for shooting groups.
That would be a good action to chamber the 6.5x284. Great round and should work really well. If it were my rifle and i was going to put a new barrel on it, that is what i would go with.
My friend is looking to sell his 25-06 he says it isn'doesn't shoot very good it's a Browning i think, what could I turn it into?
I would turn it into a custom .25-06 AI 40º with a 1:7" twist heavy barrel. Set it up to shoot the new Blackjack 131 ACE bullets. They have better BC's than 6.5mm 140gr bullets. ;)

Or, option #2, a .280 Sherman.
The 147 eld has a g7 of .352. The 150 smk is higher than that, but they only list a g1 which is .701
Yes, but it took 16+ grains more bullet to achieve that small BC gain... ;)

6.5mm supporters will NEVER give the .257 caliber its due...And never have. That's why it's taken 60 years for someone to finally start making high-BC 1/4-bore bullets. The industry has been trying to suppress us for decades.
Yes, but it took 16+ grains more bullet to achieve that small BC gain... ;)

6.5mm supporters will NEVER give the .257 caliber its due...And never have. That's why it's taken 60 years for someone to finally start making high-BC 1/4-bore bullets. The industry has been trying to suppress us for decades.
It took 16+ more grains because it's a bigger bore...... that's like saying it takes 50+ grains for a 30 cal to match a 140-150class 6.5:rolleyes: I didnt say that a .330 g7 wasnt impressive. The difference between the 2 isn't that much. Literally a few minutes of elevation at 1000 yards and a couple clicks of wind. You'd never really notice the difference at that range.
It took 16+ more grains because it's a bigger bore...... that's like saying it takes 50+ grains for a 30 cal to match a 140-150class 6.5:rolleyes: I didnt say that a .330 g7 wasnt impressive. The difference between the 2 isn't that much. Literally a few minutes of elevation at 1000 yards and a couple clicks of wind. You'd never really notice the difference at that range.
I'm well aware of the close ballistics, its just the same ole same ole...

I cant wait till the .25 CM starts whooping the 6.5 CM's *** all up and down the range... :cool:
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