.243 and 4064- 85 Sierra match king.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2014
Any body have a start load for the 85 SMK and 4064 I can't seem to find any data in my manuals. And I figure Sierra would be closed for the holidays.
I have the Sierra Manual on a program in my computer, however my hard drive crashed and I am not sure if it is salvageable or not. However I have a 3 ring binder about 2" thick with nothing in it EXCEPT .243 data both printed off and my first hand experience, some of which involves the 85 gr Sierra Game king bullet with several different powders one of which I am sure was IMR 4064. Give me a few days to see what I have.
I have the Sierra Manual on a program in my computer, however my hard drive crashed and I am not sure if it is salvageable or not. However I have a 3 ring binder about 2" thick with nothing in it EXCEPT .243 data both printed off and my first hand experience, some of which involves the 85 gr Sierra Game king bullet with several different powders one of which I am sure was IMR 4064. Give me a few days to see what I have.
Thank you very much. And happy holidays...
30-06- the data on there is for a barnes type bullet. the bullet you are shooting is the sierra BTHP 1530? some manuals go to 38 grains. 37.5 is my go to load. out of several sakos and remington rifles .030 off; 210m . lapua brass
30-06- the data on there is for a barnes type bullet. the bullet you are shooting is the sierra BTHP 1530? some manuals go to 38 grains. 37.5 is my go to load. out of several sakos and remington rifles .030 off; 210m . lapua brass
Good to know thanks.
I noticed that IMR 4064 and IMR 4350 doesn't fill the case very full. Is there better powders or are these as good as any for acuuracy? I know its relative to the rifle but I would like a full case.
4064 is a bit fast burning for a 243 but it will suffice. I also prefer a full case but I'll take over 80% if I need to speed up the powder a bit.
We used 37.5 4064 with a 100hdy and standard primers for years in the 243 rifles I grew up around. An 85 will usually eat a grain or so more powder in a 243 so in the 37-39 grain range you should find a good full pressure load.
If you are seraching for a different powder my go to load is an 87 gr Vmax with VihtaVouri N 560. 50 gr is what I load and it fills the case.
I have used the same charge for the 85 gr. Sierra Gameking but didn't have the same accuracy as I did the Vmax. Different bores like different loads.
If you are seraching for a different powder my go to load is an 87 gr Vmax with VihtaVouri N 560. 50 gr is what I load and it fills the case.
I have used the same charge for the 85 gr. Sierra Gameking but didn't have the same accuracy as I did the Vmax. Different bores like different loads.
Thank you,
I stumbled on some IMR 7828 powder at a local gun store the other day for 15$ a pound and he happened to have some VihtaVouri powder on the shelf and it was also covered in dust. Maybe I can get a deal on it also. Haha.
N560 gets me velocity without extreme pressure, but I do caution to approach max charge with caution and watch for the tell tale signs of flattened primers, hard to lift bolt and when accuracy drops off as the charge increases. In my rifle I load 50 gr of powder, which is a full case non compressed (as in a bullet is not crunching powder when seated).

N550 is another good one, I experimented more with this one using lighter bullets but Vihta Vuori does list it in their manual for 85-90 gr bullets.
Thank you,
I stumbled on some IMR 7828 powder at a local gun store the other day for 15$ a pound and he happened to have some VihtaVouri powder on the shelf and it was also covered in dust. Maybe I can get a deal on it also. Haha.

the older vit jugs were 2# so if you can get a few of those you'll be in powder for a good while. V540,V550, and V560 are all able to work here. I haven't seen powder under $20 a # for a while here....
I shoot 44.0 grains of IMR 4350 with an 87gr V-MAX and it delivers excellent accuracy and speed. The muzzle velocity is 3250fps and my Model 700 Varmint rifle puts them under 3/8" consistently. This charge doesn't completely fill the case, the powder sits about in the middle of the case shoulder. I like compressed loads as well, but this recipe has always worked great for us. IMR 7828 is a good powder for the heavier 100-105gr bullets. I chronographed 45.0grs of the 7828ssc with a 100gr Sierra SPBT and got an average of 3090fps in my 26" with no pressure signs. I worked up a load with 105 A-MAXs with 7828ssc and I'm sitting at 44.7 grains and only have a flattened primer without any other signs of pressure. I believe 7828 will be too slow for the 85s.
I shoot 44.0 grains of IMR 4350 with an 87gr V-MAX and it delivers excellent accuracy and speed. The muzzle velocity is 3250fps and my Model 700 Varmint rifle puts them under 3/8" consistently. This charge doesn't completely fill the case, the powder sits about in the middle of the case shoulder. I like compressed loads as well, but this recipe has always worked great for us. IMR 7828 is a good powder for the heavier 100-105gr bullets. I chronographed 45.0grs of the 7828ssc with a 100gr Sierra SPBT and got an average of 3090fps in my 26" with no pressure signs. I worked up a load with 105 A-MAXs with 7828ssc and I'm sitting at 44.7 grains and only have a flattened primer without any other signs of pressure. I believe 7828 will be too slow for the 85s.
I have some 87gr. hpbt hornadys and plenty of IMR 4350. I'll work up to 44 GRS and see if I can get that far. Thanks for the info.. I really want to shoot the 105 Amax but I just don't know if the 1-9.25 twist will stabilize them. I have heard mixed results. I guess I'm going to try them and if they don't work I'm only out 30$ and will have them to trade in the classifieds. Haha
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