22BR Starting Load


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
Southern Michigan
Got a 22BR barrel due to arrive at the end of the month and due to powder shortages I'm looking to run LEVERevolution in this rig. I expect good velocity with 80gr ELD's provided I watch my pressure in the heat (not to hot here in Michigan) however I'm unsure of where to start with this combination. I'm thinking 27-28gr seems like a reasonable starting load but what do you guys think? Anyone got quickload? Here's a pic of her as she currently sits.


  • Waiting for Barrel.jpg
    Waiting for Barrel.jpg
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After compiling a ton of 224 Valkyrie and 22-250 data it looks like my MAX load will be somewhere around 28.5gr so I was a little high on my original estimate. If I reduce this by 10% it puts me at 25.7 which is basically the book MAX for LEVERevolution in 224 Valkyrie according to the few trustworthy sources I could find. Does this seem right?
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