22-250 or 7mm-08 into a 6.5 creedmoor

They all share the same bolt face so all it would require is a barrel swap to 6.5 Creedmoor. The savages are pretty simple to change thanks to the barrel nut.
Thanks for chiming in pal.Didnt want to hijack the other thread. I too have a sweet shooting 22-250 savage.But have one in 243 also.Can always use it for `yote duty if i put a 6.5 creedmoor brl on the 250. I would do it in a hart beat if all it takes is a barrel swap and some savage tools.Jim at northland makes awesome criterion`s to. I was also thinking benchmark, my shooting partner has one in 223ai.Shoots very small groups. Thanks Gary
Thanks for chiming in pal.Didnt want to hijack the other thread. I too have a sweet shooting 22-250 savage.But have one in 243 also.Can always use it for `yote duty if i put a 6.5 creedmoor brl on the 250. I would do it in a hart beat if all it takes is a barrel swap and some savage tools.Jim at northland makes awesome criterion`s to. I was also thinking benchmark, my shooting partner has one in 223ai.Shoots very small groups. Thanks Gary

Go watch some youtube videos on how to swap barrels. Its pretty simple. Tools dont cost a whole lot
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