22/243, 6mm/06, or 22/250 need information


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2005
South Central Missouri
Was wondering about this round, I am looking to make a coyote rig, weekly shooter. Was thinking of having a 22/250 made up, just was wanting to find out what this round will do. Shots around here could be out to 600 yards or less. Not much chance for more, Don't know if I want a 250 or 6mm/06 or the 22/243.
The 22-250 ackley and 22-243 are great choices for coyote and deer. I would get a 6.5 or 7 twist to shoot the 90 grain sierra's and wildcat bullets 100 and 107 grain bullets. With a 22-243 ackley I know you can push the 80 grain sierras out of a 8 twist 3700 FPS. When you run your drop charts fast twist 22 cals are very hard to beat. I would favor the 22-243 over the 22-250 ackley for the simple reason of laupa brass. a 22-243 ackley is a real screamer with great accuracy to boot. For dies you can ream out a forster 22-250 seater die with you chamber reamer and for neck sizing and full length sizing you can use redding Type S dies in 243 ackly . Hope I helped Have fun
Why not look at a 20 calibre. You would get a very different answer if you posted this question on www.saubier.com

20 Tactical, 20 Br, 20-250 will all shoot flatter than the above with less pelt damage from what I've read.
I've been shooting a 22-243AI for a couple of years. It has accounted for hundreds of longrange groundhog kills. My rifle has a 28", 8 twist, Hart barrel.

I get exceptional accuracy with the 75gr A-Max (moly) bullet @ 3,670 ft/sec. This is a max load in my rifle. Best group to date measured .625" @ 600yds .

The plain 22-243 would do quite well too (with a fast twist) and would be easier to find dies for and save you the trouble of fireforming. If you intend to shoot light bullets 50-55gr than forget the big cases and go with the 22-250 or 220 Swift.
I have had all 3 and none of the .223 calibers can run with the big 6s. I use a 6mm-06 and 6-284 for all of my coyote hunting and they flat work. Esp when ranges go much past 400 yards. In my 6mm-06, i use a 70 grain nosler bt at 4020 fps, bc of .310. Awesome performance. Plus the 6mm-06 is one of the easiest wildcats to reload for and neck down. I would say for yotes inside of 300 the 22.250 is just fine stretch that gap to 500+ yards and the 6s really shine.
Any one got stats on the 22/243 or the 6mm/06? I just want a rifle that will hit what I am shooting at. I can controll the nut behind the stock. Anyway thanks for the information guys, Just to get everything straight the 22/243 in based off a short action and the 6mm/06 would be off a long action. again thanks. oldfamily
Yeah your right 22-243 or 22-250 short action, 6mm-06 long action. Both 6mm and 22 cals will work just fine out to a thousand and beyond, I just like the 22 cals for lack of recoil and with the new 90 grain plus bullets they really shoot in the wind.
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