?-20x 40mm or 50mm with first focal plane


May 4, 2010
im looking for a scope with at least a 20x power rating, 30mm tube, 40mm 0r 50mm retical with a first focal plane and .25 moa adustments. My price range to start with is $500 - $700.

does anyone have any suggetions?
Weaver makes a couple tactical scopes that meet most of your criteria: a 3-15X50 and 4-20X50. They have 30mm tubes, mil-dot reticles, side parallax adjustment, and first focal plane reticle. I don't know if the turrets adjust in .25MOA increments, or 0.1mil increments.

I have absolutely no experience with either scope, but it fit most of your spec's and is in your price range.
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