2010 WY bear killshot


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2009
Rock Springs, WY
Had to share this video. You can actually see the bullet for 2 frames when viewed in HD on a bigscreen TV.

This boar was shot with an Armalite AR10T with Accuracy System's 450 Marlin upper, 18" barrel. 325 gr FTX® LEVERevolution® @ 2,225fps. Shot from ~80yds. Needless to say yogi won't be stealing anymore picnic baskets:)

YouTube - Black Bear.m2ts


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nice dent in the barrel from the slug

Ya I failed to point that out. To top that off the slug was sitting on the ground between the barrel and the bear! It held up nicely. I'd guess it is sitting at around 230-250gr retained weight. Although I'd have to admit I was a little let down it didn't go thru the barrel too.
Trebark and I have seen bullets I'm flight before too. Shooting a 22lr to 400yards, you could see them spinning tail over head from about 250yards out. One nicked a twig and you could watch it spin sideways!!
Watching that show through the big eyes was more fun than actually shooting.
We fired around 60rnds and found one bullet in the target frame, it penetrated about 1/16"

cool video, knocked down yogi pretty good!
Outstanding shooting and vid. That bison just dropped period, I didn't even see any movement once it was down. What caliber was that? Thanks for posting.
Outstanding shooting and vid. That bison just dropped period, I didn't even see any movement once it was down. What caliber was that? Thanks for posting.

Sorry on the details, here we go:

It was my buddy's tag. He is into the LRH scene too. But this bull was soooo old we probably could have jumped on his back. My friend shoots a 338 ultramag and I think 225gr accubonds. Spotted him at first light. We then snuck in until we were ~125yds away while he was bedded down. Easy chip shot. Shot placement was just a few vertebrae down the neck from the base of the skull. When we walked up to the bull we noticed both of his ears were infected, loaded with wax. Also this old dude hade some serious cataracts. Almost blind and deaf we figured. We had to collect hair, blood, and tooth samples to give to the WY G&F dept. A month or two ago they sent him the results of his bulls age. 22 1/2 years old. Packing it out was unique... We quartered the animal and packed it down to the river. Then loaded into two rafts we had. Floated him right down to the truck! Worked out well. Green score on him put him in the middle of the top ten B&C but I don't think my buddy gives a *hit and probably won't put him in the book.
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