200 gr. ttsx in a 300 rum


Mar 24, 2011
I could not wait to shoot these . Loaded with 94gr. to 96.5 of rutombo .
Shot last night a 100 yds. the best group was 2" some were up to 3"
Was looking forward to using these in alaska for goats and grizz. in oct.
I also bought a box of accubonds in 200 gr. .should I give up on the barnes.
Any advise?

factory 700 ss, 5.5x22 night force ,triggered, bedded,and break.
im currently working with my 700 LSS in 300 RUM, 200 LRX (same as ttsx just new name) and retumbo. it took be forever to get it to where it would shoot a good group. I used a box of bullets to figure out it likes them .040 off the Lands and if its gets very warm it looses accuracy. I then found out that my load was too hot at 91 grains im not down to 89.5 grains and 3100 fps and it shoots 1/2" I hear rmshot magnum is yeilding better results and another 100 fps for some people. Might be worth a try. I can say after my experiences with retumbo it will not be one of my go to powders. but it looks like I have found a combo using it that works in my rifle.
A buddy of mine says that the regular tsx (not tipped) bullets group better for him. He tried the ttsx but his groups were no good so he just stuck with his regular tsx. The ttsx has a better bc but it still isn't all that great. Both bullets are great at killing things, they just are hard to hit things with.:) I'd say push a 210 berger!
A buddy of mine says that the regular tsx (not tipped) bullets group better for him. He tried the ttsx but his groups were no good so he just stuck with his regular tsx. The ttsx has a better bc but it still isn't all that great. Both bullets are great at killing things, they just are hard to hit things with.:) I'd say push a 210 berger!

i think someone who wants to shoot a Barnes wouldn not typically even consider a berger... i know i wouldnt for a hunting rifle. I like penetration and bone crushing
True. But there is plenty of proof that bergers perform very well on big game, through the shoulder, long range shots. Every bullet has failed before. Some bergers explode some barnes don't open. There's no perfect bullet. I do believe that your best chance at shooting accurately is with a Berger tho. But hey if your gun can shoot a Barnes well then hell yeah!!!! Go bust some **** up!
I shoot a lot of barnes bullets but to be honest my all time favorite bullet is the partition. its the best og both worlds, i wish they would put a plastic tip on it and bond it and a better boat tail. id shoot it in everything!
I have shot barnes bullets just about out of every gun that I own. I have cleanly killed every animal that I have shot with them. Sizes range from whitetail all the way up to Oryx. The only thing I don't like about them is the low BC that they have. I do like the complete peneatration everytime even if it hits bone.

Barnes put the delrin tip on the bullet not only to boost the BC a little bit but to also help initiate expansion of the bullet upon impact on the animal.

I tried the ttsx bullets out of my 25-06 and they would not group at all. I can shoot the TSX bullets at .5 moa all the way out to 500 yards with this gun though.

I loaded up some TTSX rounds for my brother-in-laws 7mm RUM and it would put 5 shots into .5 inches at 100. Took it hunting for Oryx and the shot was 338 yards and the round did its job with one shot.

I think that it just depends on the gun. It does get very expensive trying to find the right load with a barnes bullet though. Especially if your gun is picky.
I have never thought about trying both the ttsx and the tsx, i have always had good luck with the ttsx and LRX but i will keep the tsx in mind if i ever have something that doesnt like the ttsx
My buddies gun liked them in a 700 bdl in a 7rum and the max load kept them at 1/2" with the 150gr. ttsx same powder.
I tried rl22 and rl25 with the 200gr. ttsx ,couldn't get better then 2''
Loaded 180gr. ttsx with rl22 and rl25
The best group had 3 shots in one large hole at 100yards using 95.5 gr. of Rl 25 This will be the load for mt.goats and maybe a brown bear.
My guide would only allow barnes and A frames for bear ,no noslers of any kind he said so I am sure the vlds are out.
Thank you for the help ,I fill better now the hunts in 40 days.
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