17hmr with 20gr. xtp


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
Riggins Idaho
Got to use a few of these today.

It started off with the 2hr. drive after school to get to some rock chucks. I finally get there and the wind is blowing hard making the beautifull day turn out bad. I could hear a few chucks talking but couldn't see any. I lucked out because after 5-10minutes the wind died. Driving along the road bordering my rock chuck spot I finally see one standing there at what I would guess at around 100yrds. Pull up and miss, and miss again, and again. this carried on for about 5 shots. chuck finally decided to find cover instead of just run around in circles. I was fumming. Checked zero and nothing was wrong with what I could see. zeroed if not just a little high at 100. I went back to trying to find a chuck again. Once again I find another chuck at about 100yrds. I pull up and miss first shot but the second one conected but not very well. It ran around while I blaze away /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif and finally stops while i am stopped reloading my clip. I finally get my clip reloaded and pull up to see him fall over in my scope. Ok, still ****ed. Go down the road a little more and find another one at the 100yrd mark.

Just a canyon that you skirt.

I pull up and send a bullet and thought I see it hit high. It runs up the hill and stands so it is facing up hill. I put it in the middle of him and head over heels he goes to the bottom. Another one pops out to see what is happening which turned out fatal from a frontal shot. bang flop. Now I was starting to like these alot more than the vmax if I hit the animal I am aiming at. Bullets shoot well but I think the scope is crap. When I would shoot the vmax's they just wouldn't dump the chuck. They would all run away to there hole and die there. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Anyways I hunted there for a while longer and decided that I needed something to eat. I went and looked at two of the chucks and was going to get pics but cant find the camera /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif. Went to town, grabbed something to eat and headed towards another place where I had seen chucks. I get there to find an chuck at the length of my pickup and miss. Dont ask me how but it is possible. Anyways I sit there and look out over the canyon to see what was around. I see one sitting on a rock at about 200-225yrds. I pull up and put it on top of his head squeeze the trigger and see it hit right underneath his chin. Scared him enough that he didn't want to come back out for a good 5minutes. He popped back out and I pull another 2.5-3inches over my last aiming point and I here thwak. The rock chuck humps up sitts there and then falls over and does the funky chicken. cool. A few minutes later another one comes out on the same rock pile and the same situation. Pull up and anchor him just like I did the other. Wow, I couldn't even kill them with the vmax's at 80yrds much less 200plus. I sit there untill I get bored then run down the road a little ways and miss another at 50yrds. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif I dont know. I will have to shoot it some more to see what is going on because I cant hit them to save my life hardly at close range with this gun. Just to let you know what I have seen from the 20gr.xtp very impressed. Not the 22-250 where they fling up in the air and do summer saults but they still died none the less. Really impressed on there ability to kill at the longer ranges. I tried the vmax on yotes last year, may have to see how well they fare with the xtp's.
i was wondering about those things, let us know what you find out about your scope, missing, problem? curious?

thanks for the bullet info, sounds like fun!
missin i think it part of having it zeroed for to far and the scope. it is just a little junker that goes blury and everything. I could hit other objects with the gun yesterday if I aimed pretty low.
I have been using the 20 grain XTP's in my 17HMR also, but I haven't had a chance to zap anything with them. Luckily for me they shoot the best in my gun, wahoo!!!!

They did seem to destroy trees much better than the 17's....now granted the 17 is like a grenage on a small animal like a squirrel but on anything bigger like a whistle pig....I think the bullet needs to hold together better.
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