169.5 Wildcat terminal performance??


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2008
SW Montana
So I'm anticipating having some of the 169.5's for my 270 WSM some time in the future and I was wanting to get some pics and data on it's terminal performance on anything you guys have put it on.
Pic's would be great, stories great, would really like to have launch speed and range included in anything you have, 270 win to 270 AM anything you got!! This season died early so I'm starting on next year :D

Don't even be concerned about it. I haven't shot any big game with that bullet but was prepared to put the hurt on an elk out to 1000 yds or so w/a MV of 3400.

I have no pics but my terminal tests showed me that it performs pretty much like an Accubond. Straight penetration, decent weight retention with good expansion.

I been thinkin' that your DRs shudda super glued those bone chips back to where they came from. Reduces recovery time.:D

Speaking of super glue. I expect to hear from the point maker at any time.

I'm bettin' that a 160 class 277 projectile w/a bc well over 0.6 with the terminal performance of the NAB or Ballistic Tip will fill a big gap in the 270 bullet selection.
I'm thinking they should be good but I'm dying here, I need pics of something to give my mind something to chew on till I can get on my feet. I'm missing my favorite and most productive hunting week, I was going to try to drag myself out on a sled but I'm hitting the pain meds and am way to dizzy to shoot and driving is way out of the question :D

I will have some significant range time though with this injury, so far my list is to work over my 270 WSM and work with some 160 class bullets:D also have a custom 270 win to also test these bullets with, work out the kinks in a 300 WBY, build a 338 RUM, see if I can breath life back into another 270 win and build and make some good LR drop gathering frames so I can gather even tighter data.

I think the wife will really support my outdoor activities in a week or two :D

What impact speeds did you test the Wildcats down to? I have heard only good about them but I just started getting into LR hunting when they stopped production so theirs kinda a generation gap there.
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