168 Tipped TSX BC (.308 diameter)

well i havent really checked them, but i shoot a 300wby at 3140fps with the 168gr ttsx out of a 24in barrel. i have a swarvoski 6x18 with the br1 reticle in and i put that info in there program online and made a drop chart from that and hit an 8in gong at 450yrds first three hits so i dont know how much its off but that wil work for me. my rifle loves 78gr of imr4350 and im not gonna change my load but to answer your question im not positive but when the bullet first came out i remember i got them and the advertised BC was .473 and now it says .470 on there website so maybe its pretty close to that
I haven't verified that bullet, but I have fired the .308 165 XBT and .284 150 XBT at 1000 yards and both their B.C.'s were right on the money according to my Sierra program. Barnes seems to under-rate their B.C.'s compared to other manufacturers, which gives me confidence that they are not selling a bill of goods. BTW, I didn't know their 168 BC was that high compared to the .38 for the 165. That is a huge increase. Is it a secant ogive?
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