168 eldm bc


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2017
Just shot this at 880, had to adjust my bc, then the wind started switching on me as I laid down the waterline of shots.
Went with a bc of .259 at 2678fps out of my 308 with the eldm. Was a little low, going to adjust my velocity down to 2670fps. That would put me right in the center of the gong.

On a side note, I haven't had the tightest es with this brass. About 30es, but I reamed the flash holes finding a few that were too small. I think the proof is on the target of how that affects the es. This is a mix of federal and Remington brass tossed together. They've had primer pockets levelled, and annealed after the 3rd firing and this is the sixth firing. I'll anneal them again
View attachment 101542 View attachment 101541 Just shot this at 880, had to adjust my bc, then the wind started switching on me as I laid down the waterline of shots.
Went with a bc of .259 at 2678fps out of my 308 with the eldm. Was a little low, going to adjust my velocity down to 2670fps. That would put me right in the center of the gong.

On a side note, I haven't had the tightest es with this brass. About 30es, but I reamed the flash holes finding a few that were too small. I think the proof is on the target of how that affects the es. This is a mix of federal and Remington brass tossed together. They've had primer pockets levelled, and annealed after the 3rd firing and this is the sixth firing. I'll anneal them again
Have you tried using the hornady 4dof calculator? It's been my experience with 3 different hornady bullets that its spot on. They use a custom drag curve in that calculator. You can download the app free or go on their website. An ES of 30 would definitely start to cause issues at that range. Since I started turning necks, uniforming pockets, and deburring flash holes my ES has gotten alot better. I've gotten single digit ES but my loads normally run a SD of 8 or 9. That's a nice group by the way!
Have you tried using the hornady 4dof calculator? It's been my experience with 3 different hornady bullets that its spot on. That's a nice group by the way!

I haven't yet, should try it out.
Thanks, I shoot enough of them eventually I get a small one lol
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