162 Amax help


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2013
I've been sitting on a box of 162 Amax for a little while and was going to try them in my 280 for a late season deer tag I have this year. Problem is I have been seeing some conflicting load data online and I could easily start at minimum charges and work my way to max, but want to shorten that process if possible since the 7mm Amax has now been discontinued. I have read good things about the Amax in 280 using RL22, and was going to start there. I also have RL19 and H4831SC

I could only find 162 ELD data from Hornady, which lists max charge of RL22 at 56.1g
Nosler lists max charge of RL22 with 160gr bullets at 54g

But I found several other sources online listing charges of 57g and 58g of RL22

So I guess my question is, does anyone have a pet load for the 162 Amax in 280 Rem?

I am loading for a factory chambered/barreled Ruger Hawkeye
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