123 Eldm's in 6.5 Creedmore


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2022
South Carolina
Just wondering if any of you have worked up loads for 123 class bullets in 6.5 Creed? I know most use 140s or even 130s but I'm looking specifically at 120-123 class bullets.
Background. These will be used in a 20" barreled AR 10 with thermal at night for deer, coyotes, and hogs. Shots will be 450 and under. The 20" barrel and gas gun limit me substantially on velocity and pressure compared to a bolt gun. I've run the ballistics on 123, 130, and 140 class bullets and the 123s give me a better point blank range and a good bit less drop out to my distance limit. Plus I shoot 123s in the Grendel. They kill with authority and it's nice to be able to share components between the two cartridges.
Powders I have on hand are IMR 4350, Imr and H 4895, Imr 4064, Varget, AR Comp, and Imr 8208. I don't have H4350 and likely won't be getting any. I need to use up some of what I already have. From what I have read, Varget should work well. So far 38.8 of Imr 4895 and 38.5 of Varget look best group wise with the edge in velocity at 2785 and good stats going to IMR 4895. This is good because I have a lot of the imr 4895. The gun was over gassed with Imr 4350 but I have added a Superlative Arms adjustable gas block which should correct that.
I'm not necessarily looking for specific loads. I know those vary from one rifle to the next and I need to work up regardless. Just wondering what seemed to work best for those that have tried 123 class bullets.