Just picked up (well, soon after new 10 day WA gun jail) this shotgun in 12g.
Anyone use this for turkeys? Finally graduating from my trusty and rusty Rem 870 pump. My first semi-auto shotgun.
Also any ammo suggestions? I already have a pile of turkey loads but always looking to try something...
Got some problem beavers damning up a pond overflow stream, this is causing some massive overfilling that is destroying both driveways on our property and neighbors property. I’m fine with beavers, were generally pretty good, but they’ve overstepped and time to go to war. Friend who’s a beaver...
My weekend is going to be tied up so I snuck out this morning for a few stands. I felt somewhat naked and afraid as I packed only my shotgun. There's a certain amount of security having the rifle close. But, I resisted the urge to do my normal pack mule routine and pared it down to...