Back up on the chopping block. Looking to start a new build for next year.
Exact round count unknown. I suspect under 200 total. I've put less than 30 down the barrel. The previous owner was a lefty and said he didn't shoot it much. Previous owner to him is Jake (owner) at unknown munitions...
I have a 257 Weatherby bolt action so, I'm wondering about a light wildcat that will do this level of performance without much effort and will allow me to tune it up a bit. Originally, 257 Weatherby was a good choice because I could get ~$40/box ammunition for general usage if I didn't have...
Hey guys I just acquired a new to me defiance deviant tactical action with an mpa 6.5cm barrel attached to it. I was planning on getting a magnum bolt for the deviant so I could have a 16.5” 6.5prc barrel spun up for it. My few questions are with the prc being a “6.5cm magnum” am I going to get...
I'm looking to put a 6.5 prc barrel on my savage and plan to shoot the 156 berger for big game purposes but alot of the barrel company's that i was interested in don't make lower than 8" twist, and berger states the 156 is marginally stabil in a 8" has anyone had really good results or really...
Has anyone done this yet? I know they don’t offer the option on the origin like they do on the SR3, but is there any mechanical reason to not do this? Needing the length for a 6.5prc on a short action.