
  1. M

    Muzzlebrake on muzzleloader?

    Hey y’all, I recently acquired a Remington Ultimate Muzzleloader, and after a bit of range time am pretty satisfied overall with it. However, at max charge with 4 pellets of 777, my shoulder is less than satisfied to say the least. I took it to my gunsmith and he was a little apprehensive about...
  2. J

    Anyone have experience with the McWhorter 45 XML

    hi all, I've been looking at getting a 45 xml and was curious if anyone has had any experience with them. I've talked with Allan at McWhorther and everything seems like it is a wonderful gun and should beat what I have now especially with being able to shoot BH209. Allen says they are getting...
  3. M

    Muzzleloader Pass Through Bullets and SD

    I've struggled for years to find a bullet that would give pass through performance on elk at 200 meters. I tried Barnes, Shockwaves, FBPs, Precision Rifle 400gr. QTs, and was not happy with any. Pointed bullets slip through the skin and seal the hole behind them, and there is no exit hole...