Looking to sell this mint condition EXPS 2-0 with unity fast riser. Eotech is tastefully painted black. New mfg date. Glass is perfect condition. Comes with box.
SV: 500.00 shipped
Let me know if you have any questions or offers.
Hello all.
I'm looking to sell my 5-25 Eotech Vudu H59 reticle with badger condition one mount and level.
Scope is in good condition I have only had it for approx. 6 months. Scope is clear and turrets have good clicks to them.
I'm looking to sell as I'm not a fan of the reticle. After...
Someone hacked my credit card and ordered this for me and had it shipped to my house! And Wells Fargo picked up the bill!
I dont need it but Sig just came out with that 365 pistol that i must have!
$475 shipped
Buffalo Texas