Back up on the chopping block. Looking to start a new build for next year.
Exact round count unknown. I suspect under 200 total. I've put less than 30 down the barrel. The previous owner was a lefty and said he didn't shoot it much. Previous owner to him is Jake (owner) at unknown munitions...
Whats the best combo for the 250 A Tips out of a 26" barrel. I've got H1000, N565, N568, RL33 and Retumbo to work with. Also have ADG or Lapua brass and CCI LRM's or Fed 215 GMM's. Should I drop back to the 230 A tips with 26" tube?
Recently I have wanted a ballistic hot rod and was initially looking at the Cheytac case however after consideration I have decided that the level of power the Cheytac outputs is not required for my situation. I want my rifle, based on either 30-338 lapua imp or 300 norma imp, to have a switch...
Hey team, I’ve been sitting on a Winchester P14 for a number of years. I originally prepped it to become a 338 edge, but really like the numbers of a 300 Norma improved.
is there anyone out there that has been down this road? Or possibly even a bigger caliber? Will the action handle it?