Top Secret security clearance

How do you feel about a Top Secret security clearance being issued without going through the security check process?
Who does that? I had several Security checks by the FBI. TSC in the Marines and anther TSC working for General Dynamics Electric Boat. The FBI interviewed all by family, neighbors, Schools, Workplaces trying to dig up dirt to implead my Clearence.

Edit: Can't see how a TSC can be giving without a thorough Background Check. Would like to know what you are refrying to? Maybe in the last Administration they gave away TSC to anyone. How was Hunter being allowed to be in the White House, in Joe's meetings. Hunter could never be given any type of a SC due to all his DRUG use and He was with the CCP and Ukraine Businesses. Jim was the same way. These positions should have had to have a TSC!
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How do you feel about a Top Secret security clearance being issued without going through the security check process?
My office is the first level of validation process for any upgrade in security access requirement request for authorizations (spaces), not assigned (faces). It is a high-visibility process, esp. from secret to top secret.
Who does that?
Donald Trump Thumbs Up GIF by Justin Gammon
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Here is why I'm asking:

This is concerning to me.
It shouldn't be. All the same, he just revoked the TS's of like 50 intelligence officers that were opposing him.

But, back to why it's not concerning….TS doesn't mean anything. 😮 I know, crazy right?

All information is compartmentalized. Meaning just because you're in SOCOM or JSOC and hold a TS doesn't mean you get the codes to the nukes, and access to sensitive guidance systems technology or whatever.

That said, according to the article, it "sounds" more like he's trying to expedite the process and bring whoever these people are in question to the front of the line so to speak.
After all this time you trust a Newsweek article to put out real information. And this is in the news so.......
Here's the official Executive Order. It will be interesting to see if the names of the people granted a TS clearance will be made public.


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