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For Sale Fluxeon Annie annealer


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2019
Springfield, OR
Barely used...and I mean less than 50 cases, Fluxeon Annie with the water cooled coil.

I started automating it, could never find time to mess with it, got buried in brass that I wanted to anneal and broke down and bought an AMP mk2....because apparently I hate money.


I will toss in a pump with the fan, radiator and left over coolant. The original fluid reservoir arrived cracked, I super glued it and was using it... it's still holding the original coolant if you want that too.

If you want the 3d printed stand/organizer it sits on now, I can remove the electronics and print some parts to make it manually adjustable...maybe just a thumbwheel on a piece of leadscrew; and I can make a new shutter door that can be flipped by hand to drop the cases.


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