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For Sale Gun Room Cleanout


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2022
North Mississippi
All prices are delivered. Make offer.
1. 300 BO Pistol barrel setup $275
a. Hornady FL 2 die set
b. Lee crimp die
c. 51 pcs PMC 2x brass (originally 5.56)
d. 50 Hornady 110 VMAX bullets SPF
e. 10.5" Green Mountain barrel (Apache
f. 9" Troy handguard w/barrel nut
g. .750 YHM gas block
2. Redding 6.5 Creedmoor body die $30
3. KAK pistol brace w spring & buffer $60
4. Harrel's Precision Arbor Press $100
5. Hornady Powder Measure (missing powder hopper cap) $65
6. RCBS powder measure stand $25 SPF
7. LE Wilson inline seater (has surface discoloring) $50
8. Redding 30 Nosler neck size die set with body die (new, never used) $100
9. PTG M16 extractor kit for R700 Magnum $35 SPF

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