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For Sale Twins for sale


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2003
I have decided to sell the twins as a set. I built these for fun to see how a Savage custom build would turn out. Both of these rifles absolutely shoot and feed pretty good. The 6mm Creedmoor is a little more finicky on feeding but not too bad.

Both rifles have Lilja diamond fluted barrels with contoured muzzle breaks and are fully bedded. Barrels measure 27 inches to the end of the muzzle break. Both rifles are direct thread with lugs and do not have the barrel nuts. Both rifles have weaver 20 MOA bases to match. The guns were built by a local builder (Morton Arms in Morton Indiana). The 308 is 1-10 twist and the 6mm is 1-7 twist. I can provide all the load data on the rifles. The 308 has 76 rounds through it and the 6mm Creedmoor has 54 rounds through it. The 6mm Creedmoor has sped up a little and is and is now 2940FPS but may speed up more. Both rifles have PTG bolt heads and PTG bolt shrouds. Both rifles have Accurate Mag bottom metal with AI mags. I tried to make these as reliable as possible. Both rifles use Savage triggers that have been set at approx. 1.5 pounds. The 6mm Creedmoor has the Savage Accu-Trigger target trigger and shims (don't waste your money on these). The 308 has a standard trigger massaged by the gunsmith. Both break clean and crisp. The targets below are with hand loads. The 308 target is 10 rounds including cold bore with the 168ELDM and PP2000 powder at 2810fps. It will shoot the 178 eldm pretty well also. The 308 will shoot the Hornady Tap 168 rounds very well as a factory round. The 6mm was originally a bottom release mag but I had it converted, and it works and looks perfect.

The combined set is $3400 plus a little shipping. I ended up with a lot more money in these than what I am selling them for. I am not interested in separating them at this time. I have no interest in any trades at this time and if they don't sell, I will keep them and use them.

Scopes/rings, bi-pods, stock covers are not included.

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