Most of the Bears with "worms" aka Tape worms are coastal bears. Common in Alaska but Trichinosis has nothing due with those nasty tape worms. Your own dog can get tape worms from getting bit by mosquitoes, black flies, etc…..
"Trichinosis is a roundworm parasite that lives in the muscle tissues of large carnivores and omnivores such as mountain lions, grizzlies, pigs, wild hogs, and of course, black bears."
Tape worms are in the stomach and intestines.
"They are filarial worms. They are spread by mosquitoes, black flies, and the like. Bears get them from repeated bites from insects. The filarial worms can be a few centimeters long, and you typically see them bailing out of dead muscle tissue while you're skinning and de-boning black bears."
Some of the tape worms sure are disturbing to see though when they are multiple FEET long!!