So what are perfect conditions for squirrels?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2011
Southeast PA
My 7yo just got his mentored youth hunting license here in PA. We've been out for squirrels a few times and haven't seen a single rodent. It's been a cold winter here in PA. But the wind was nil these days and I figured we would see something. I'm certainly a better deer hunter than squirrel hunter. So, what are the best conditions for the fall and the winter seasons for hunting? That is to say, under what conditions do squirrels spend the most time out of their burrows?
like mentioned a stationary position will be best since stalking them with little to no cover will hinder your success. Also, if you shoot one just let it lay so you won't give away your position to other possible targets.

I also prefer hunting them during mid morning when it is very cold. It seems they feed when it is a bit warmer.
Just act like you are deer hunting and they will be running all over the woods! lol
Seriously you just need to find the oaks that dropped acorns which should be easy in Pa this year.
Sit as still as possible and use your binoculars just as deer hunting.
A trick that I use when they are not as active is to use a stick in the leaves to make it sound like a squirrel foraging around for acorns. Don't over do it though.
I prefer sunny days with little wind.
Patience is the key but difficult with a young one.
Hope this helps
Mornings and afternoons tend to be best for me. Mid day seems to slow down and that's tough to keep a kids attention up. I like to still hunt but really being patient and sitting is a great way to hunt.

On another note, act like you are going deer hunting and you will see all kinds of squirrels, likewise go squirrel hunting and you will see all kinds of deer. LOL
My 7yo just got his mentored youth hunting license here in PA. We've been out for squirrels a few times and haven't seen a single rodent. It's been a cold winter here in PA. But the wind was nil these days and I figured we would see something. I'm certainly a better deer hunter than squirrel hunter. So, what are the best conditions for the fall and the winter seasons for hunting? That is to say, under what conditions do squirrels spend the most time out of their burrows?
The weather we've had lately isn't conducive to great squirrel hunting, but we killed a bunch last Saturday in our annual squirrel hunting competition.

Look for nests in the trees, to start. I like to find mast bearing hardwoods like oaks, hickory, beech, and walnut.

Scout during the day and be setup in the afternoon or 15 min before daylight. Tough hunting, especially for a younger hunter as the squirrels are skittish. Look for them on the ground as much as in the trees.
Locally, we look for some oak trees, and just quietly get into the woods before daylight. Sit quietly under a tree close to the oaks to see the squirrels moving to the oaks. Cool weather and no wind is what I prefer otherwise the mosquitoes will be feeding on me all morning.

Here in Wisconsin I look for oak trees. Always see more in town than when I'm hunting.