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For Sale New Brass


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2014
Rapid City, South Dakota
Winter cleaning in progress... I have the following new brass for sale.

220 Russian Sako headstamp 188ct $125 shipped Most of these are turned for .241" neck.
7 RUM R-P headstamp 50ct SPF

I have 50 new Nosler headstamp and 97 once fired R-P headstamp 17 Remington cases for sale. The once fired have been full length sized and primed with GM205M primers. The new cases are also sized and primed with GM205M primers. These will have to be shipped Fedex ground. $150 shipped for the new and 1X fired.

I accept Zelle, PPF&F, check(ship after clear) or money order. Thanks for looking!!

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