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For Sale Remington 700 BDL 300 Wby 24" plus Mounts/ammo


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2014
Sandy, UT
I'm 72 , shoulder issues forcing me to sell this Magnum. Like new (only 28rds shot through it!) Mod 700 BDL, 24" barrel. All metal/Leupold STD Mounts/1" Rings have been Parkerized. Bedded into an Aftermarket Synthetic stock (very stiff, don't know Make) Trigger Professionally adj to a crisp break not too heavy or too light. Decelerator Pad. No brake. Plus a full box of 180 TTSX Wby factory ammo. ($100 or so value!) $875 plus shipping (ammo shipped separate)
Serious inquirers PM for phone pics.

For a very reasonable price I have like new Hornady Dies, 28 1x fired Remington brass, 80 1x fired Wby/Hornady brass, plus a bunch of NEW Remington brass.
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