Restock Browning A-Bolt Short Action

How long to leave Barreled action in stock before pulling???

I put liberal release agent but now the anticipation of the job THE WAIT is on I'm anxious to know if this baby worked out


I looked for a smiley that's sweating but don't see that hahaha

Naw I used parts of the mixture not the whole batch
Did my best to guess 1:5 ratio

Tried mixing on a flat surface and had to make up a mini cup quick
Thought I made enough and had to make another batch quick.....
Prolly did it all inside 10 minutes

First timers procrastination/nervousness but feeling good about it
Now I'm wondering if I boned myself thinking 3M Blue Tape will release

I waxed exposed steel on the action, but I also painters taped the action in some areas thinking the Blue Tape will release but now I'm second guessing that is a fact

I left the belly of action and recoil lug exposed w wax to release
But painters taped sides of action and other areas of action for extra precaution.

I'm thinking I might of gooned myself putting painters tape in place of release agent and not waxing the tape.

Gotta wait for Marinetex to set up some before I attempt to pop it out.
My mix board is still gooey its only been 7 hours
gotta wonder if I didn't mix correctly/well enough too

16hrs and I can still jam my fingernail in the marinex/it is malleable

I don't think I was to pop the action out until it hardens up to a point I can no longer manipulate the goop and its solid
I read a few citings where guys says to mix this stuff for a long time and put some effort into it, I thought I did so.........

Also was kind of hard to tell w no color change after mixing
Other things that mix like bondo, mix until uniform color
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I was able to "snap" out a couple gobs of part dried marinetex that made its may into magwell, its dry enough to break out with bending back and forth, but is still soft if you stick your fingernail into it

Saving these removed gobs for hardness checks in a few hours.
Marinetex is loose around screw hole but I was so dang nervous I pulled action out

It did not want to come out I'm glad I did!!!!

I pulled my tape and sprayed action with Olive oil cooking spray and jammed it back in there.

No getting stuck now.

Wait it out a few days and see what happens

Where the recoil lug matches up looks nice.
That's more than the factory did......

Hopefully around the hole will cure tight

I know its mostly the immediate surrounding recoil lug area that matters,

and ahead of that (where I couldn't trim yet) is mostly cosmetic I will fix that edge once it cures (hopefully!!!)

I'm mostly thankful my rifle aint glued together permanently šŸ˜€

Hopefully around the hole will cure tight

I know its mostly the immediate surrounding recoil lug area that matters,

and ahead of that (where I couldn't trim yet) is mostly cosmetic I will fix that edge once it cures (hopefully!!!)

I'm mostly thankful my rifle aint glued together permanently šŸ˜€
You already won. Not gluing it together is the main thing. Lol
Gonna give marinetex grey several days to cure and see what I got. Gonna wait 5 days total and check.

I just snapped another oozed part out and wasn't hard through.

Strong feeling I did not mix proper ratio w enough hardener.
I mixed maybe a tablespoon of grey to 2 drops hardened first
Then slightly more than a tablespoon of grey with 4 drops hardener.
(Don't think the math adds up as I have about half the grey leftover and 7/8 container of hardener. šŸ˜‘)
Instructions say only 10% of error margin for mix. Read other citings of guys not getting mixture right so they mix the entire batch to ensure its correct.

Gona have to redo it if it doesn't harden up. I think I'm going to use the Pam Olive Oil spray as release agent if its shows good service.
That stuff went on quick and thick and covered evenly.

I read some citings where guys say they have waited as much as a week for proper curing on bedding compounds.

The way I see it if it doesn't cure hard it will chip/scrape out easily to start over.
What's the best prep/degreaser on composite stocks?


Got Olive oil everywhere at this point